God Save The King!
And his kingdom!
Pages made for Animal Holidays are collected here.~ * ~ AniDaze ~ * ~ July-Dec ~ * ~
~*~ January ~*~ February ~*~ March ~*~ April ~*~ May ~*~ June ~*~
~*~ July ~*~ August ~*~ September ~*~ October ~*~ November ~*~ December ~*~I naturally shortened "animal holidays" to "anidays" for the file name. Then, I thought that might actually be a good name for the page. Then... ^,^ ...it flowed right into "AniDaze", considering the mischievous content of many of the pages... ^_~
I'd noticed there's a lot of internationally recognized days to celebrate animals, now, and looked into it in 2018. Here's a little chart of just some of them.
There was only one world celebrated animal day for November and January: World Animal Foundation lists a whole lot more, including national ones the U.S. has.
~ * ~ Jan-June ~ * ~ July-Dec are below ~ * ~
I love pit bulls, which are so misunderstood, and misused, it can be tragic. We shouldn't condemn a breed, or species, of animal because of stereotype and one-sided media portrayals. A great many thought hyena were horrible until they learned differently by getting to know Kevin and his Sanctuary. If you haven't already, you should check them out! ^_~
It doesn't seem very observed, but some sites list July 1 as Animal Sanctuary Day. Celebrate by supporting your favorite ones and telling others about their great work. ^_^
Nelson Mandela Day is July 18
Great people all over the world have advocated creating National Parks in their Countries. One of Africa's greatest was Nelson Mandela, who helped create the Peace Parks Foundation. They work to establish wildlife corridors to preserve genetic diversity and health of wild populations.
Greatly respecting Nelson Mandela, Kevin Richardson's Foundation also focuses on acquiring land to recreate and preserve suitable habitat for lions. One person, one organization, can't do it alone. We all need to get involved. Last week, he released a great video outlining their goals and a new drive for Land For Lions.
July 18 is Nelson Mandela Day. He was a great figure in the raising of awareness and inspiring change to better respect each other as well as our environment.
A combination of efforts is ever needed: stopping abuse, changing mentality, uprooting apathy and spreading education and awareness... so that society becomes infertile to damaging behaviour in the first place.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela. Many people give or do 67 of something to honor his 67 years of advocacy. Here are 67 species for you to identify. ^_~ Education is a double-edged sword, too: Teaching and learning, ie. educating others, like Kevin and his Foundation do, and educating yourself, like you are by being here and other wildlife sites. Wise people never stop learning. ^_^
Apparently "Rolihlahla", his birth name, means "pulling the branch of the tree" and is equivalent to "troublemaker". ...maybe that's why I identify with him so much. ^o^ ~ picture is based from a photo in this Smithsonian article
Global Tiger Day is July 29
Some people think tiger bone has medicinal properties and want it even more now that they are killing off the species, rather than use any of the multitude of alternatives that don't involve exterminating something. At only around 3-4,000 left, tigers number far less than lions and are so protected that people now kill lions to fill the desire for tiger bone. Tigers and lions have the same build, and their bones can't be told apart.
If they truly believed such things actually work, they would be fighting tooth and nail to protect these species, instead of driving them to extinction without a care then merrily switching to another. They aren't even getting what they think they are: sometimes dog or pig bones have even been substituted. They may as well take a placebo.
Some tiger bone wine merchants have willingly altered ingredients to replace the bones with herbs that provide the desired benefits. It's not something that can't be done. Be a steward of the Earth.
July 29 is Global Tiger Day
July 31 is World Ranger Day
Rangers put their lives on the line every day, and night, in our fight to protect our remaining wildlife - like tigers and lions. It's not just about keeping an eye on nature preserves, or policing tourists, confronting poachers is dangerous. Check out IUCN on importance of Rangers and supporting them through IRF and The Thin Green Line. I love their wildlife version of a heart-monitor line. ^_^ It's very, very fitting, and I hope it never goes flat. Next time you see a ranger, thank them for helping keep it beating!
I don't feel it's overstepping to say that Saving lions saves us all. In the drawing, it refers to all the animals that share lion habitat, but the true meaning is quite literal. The kind of mentality that is driving animals and plantlife to extinction is destroying our own habitat, and, guess what: Like lions and elephants and wolves and polar bears, there's no where else for us to go.
I come across people who feel it's a losing battle so they turn a blind eye. There are numerous quotes of a fitting sentiment, but I like this version from John Stuart Mill: "Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing." When you stop trying, or don't try at all, is when you lose. So, come... join us... You know you want to. ^_~
World Lion Day is a great time to donate to the Sanctuary through the Kevin Richardson Foundation; and THANK YOU from me, too, to everyone who's stepped up to help them out. You're awesome! Such a good feeling to see this outpouring of love for lions and faith in Kevin and his team. Let's continue building on it! Donating to Kevin's sanctuary gives you very tangible results - and they are such adorable advocates as well as recipients. ^_^
World Lion Day is August 10
I guess it's about time Lion countered all the other animal campaigns to be the King of Beasts. ^_~ Pretty fitting that it came out as page 100 - though it's actually the 137th when you count the bonus pages. ^_~
...early last week, late this week... ;p I actually started this in July and just got back to it last night. It was to the good, though, because I erased part of what I'd been doing with it and something better came out. ^_^
Let's make sure lions remain a living, breathing legend!
August 10 is World Lion Day
To celebrate and help spread awareness, here's another card to pass on some lion love to others - or just enjoy for yourself. ^_^
This card will fit into a regular envelope, but you could assemble the heart right on the lion half of the page for a miniposter. (That's what the rectangle outline is for, if desired. Otherwise, cut around the lion and hearts to separate them.)
Printing the actual card part on cardstock would be great, but I don't recommend it for the inner parts, as it may make the card so thick in the middle that it would require extra postage.
With the card base the same color as the page the lion is on, you don't need to worry about cutting precisely around the tail. If the paws don't line up for you, just glue some on top of those spots (which is how the original design was done anyway ^_~). The main thing is to just make sure the creases and folds line up in the center of the card so that it opens and closes well.
It's a different kind of pop-up inspired by this site (which has a video of her doing one, if that might help you out). Really cute, but I noticed that sometimes the leading heart section doesn't come up for them all to be nicely spaced when the card is opened. I just added a little strip of paper to help it pull open better. Just fold a little strip, maybe about 3/4" long, into an M shape and glue the ends inside the tops of the hearts on that end. You could do more than one section, or all the way across, if you like, and either the same color as the hearts, or purposely in different colors (rainbow would fit, as there's six spaces). Whatever suits your theme.
The information on the card's page was just for you, but then I thought it might be nice to be able to cut it out, fold it, and include it in the card. I also made different versions of the card cover, including a blank one, so you can easily use it for whatever occasion you like. Have fun! ^_^
printable bonus page 57 - card inside
printable bonus page 57 - card cover
printable bonus page 57 - Happy Birthday
printable bonus page 57 - Thank You
printable bonus page 57 - blank
World Rhino Day is Sept22. The last male northern white rhino died earlier this year. There are only two old females of the species left. If you're new, check out The Guardian's article from March.
Extinction is happening all around us. When governments won't work with us, don't throw in the towel - we can work around them. This is everyone's planet: We don't need the government's permission to save it. ...Though, it's nice when they don't work against us.
"Do what you can with what you have where you are." (-Theodore Roosevelt) There will always be naysayers. It's not about who they are: It's about who you are. We need more people to not only say "enough is enough" but to actually "be the change you wish to see in the world". (-Ghandi) Be an overcomer.
Like Kevin. ^_^ And Rodney Nombekana, who had a great photo perspective for rhino preservation in 2016. And the many companies, Cities and States who are implementing their own programs to help the environment, with over 3,500 having also joined We Are Still In.
Video for Save Vanishing Species stamp
The extra 2 or 3$ you pay for them goes to the
Multinational Species Conservation Funds.September 22 is World Rhino Day
and National Elephant Appreciation DaySaving habitat for lions saves habitat for rhino and elephant, too.
...I blame this mischief on the flu... ^_~
Oct2 is World Farm Animals Day, and apparently created by extremists who believe we should all be vegetarians? Not linking to that. Living around here, I'm sure you know: Not all farms, or farmers, are evil. Not all farm animals are abused or "forced to live in their own feces, never seeing the outside". Sure, I care about the ones that are, but I don't believe in extremism: It does more harm than good. Yet, I like farm animals having their own day of recognition. Without them, we wouldn't have pizza, cakes or cookies, warm wool blankets and lots of other foods and things to wear that you normally don't think about as being "from a farm animal". So, take some time this week to think about it, and if you live on a farm or near one, show them some love!
Lion farming is a totally different issue that you may not be aware of (here's a recent article from Conservation Action). I've talked about needing to end the abusive cub-petting and canned "hunt" industry, and lion farming's sole purpose is to feed that industry. Yes, lion farms are one kind of farm I will be happy to see stopped. So, for World Farm Animals Day, think of how you can help end lions as being one. (...like supporting Kevin Richardson Foundation ^_~)
International Snow Leopard Day is Oct 23.
I believe it started in 2014 to mark the anniversary of the 2013 GSLEP agreement (Global Snow Leopard & Ecosystem Protection Plan). Though the snow leopard range countries are making wonderful efforts and progress, the snow leopard is still in need of extra care and protection. Unfortunately, they were recently removed from the IUCN Red List, without reliable population numbers or regard to the growing threats of habitat loss and poaching. This move could hinder the efforts to stabilize the fragile snow leopard population, as it may reduce government funding toward such efforts as well as make people think they're safe now when they're not.
Lions in South Africa face a similar dilemma, as the South African government recently made an uninformed decision also without reliable population numbers.
...Ah, if unicorns could get passports... ; }
Oct 23 is International Snow Leopard Day. They're still vulnerable, and way cuter than painted lions. ...fluffier, softer fur, cutsie round faces, way longer oh-so-cuddly tail... *snicker* Here's an interesting tidbit: A regular leopard, which prefer warmer climates, was seen in snow leopard habitat.
International Snow Leopard Day is Oct23
You should be familiar with how each really looks: Which one is Snow Leopard with a lion mane, and which one is Lion with snow leopard spots? How can you tell? ;p How many differences, and similarities, between snow leopards and lions can you list?
A week every year, starting the first sunday of Nov., is Animal Rescue & Shelter Appreciation Week. Thanks to all rescue and shelter workers and volunteers! ^_^
Besides obvious thoughts of our favorite Sanctuary in South Africa ^_~, I'm also going to bring up another one I like (and which I think Kevin's site actually has mentioned before, so maybe you've heard of it). I grew up watching Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, and they now have a YouTube channel with new videos, including one about The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg, CO. I came across them awhile ago and loved their elevated walkway idea. In Wild Kingdom's video of them, I see a lot of other great features. The animals they shelter are rescued. ^_~ So, while the original intent of this animal holiday seems to have been meant for domestic pet rescue and shelter, let's share the love with all animal caretakers. ^_^
Dec 4 is International Cheetah Day.
There really are "King Cheetah". It's what they call cheetahs with a unique color variation that makes their spots so much bolder that they run together into stripes. It's similar to what makes some leopards black. I believe I saw somewhere that there are less than ten in the wild - that are known about, anyway. The New York Times had an article on some tabby cats having the same mutation as king cheetahs, but it's gone now. Active Wild has a photo of a king cheetah in their cheetah info. ^_^
I think this scene is in some of the Nature shows intros, but I couldn't find it so had to do it by memory: I just love the bit of the mother and baby monkey sitting on a branch. The baby moves to take off, and the mother's hand flashes out to grab his leg, totally unfazed, as if she'd done that many times before - doesn't even need to look. Makes me laugh: That was my mom and us kids. ^o^
I couldn't find a clip of that to link to, but, if you need a giggle, you can check out this squirrel feeder at BBC Earth Unplugged.
~ * ~ AniDaze January - June ~ * ~
~ * ~ * ~*~ * ~ * ~
Be a steward of the Earth.
[I'm not a professional and have limited resources/access. I make the printable images to be around 8x11 inches to fill a sheet of regular letter-size paper when printed. Coloring pages may be printed from here and made copies of for non-profit, free-of-charge use only. Plant seeds! ^_^]